-What gets you up in the morning? Knowing my family depends on me. I love coming into work and spending the day with my team. I look forward to spending time and catching up with my loyal guests.
-Why did you choose this career? To follow in my mothers foot steps. I love the ability to make an amazing living and still be able to take care of my family and home. I love building relationships, while exercising my creative talents.
-Why do I love my guests? I think I have the best guests in town. My guests are generally smart, generous and caring. I am honored that they have shared parts of their lives with me. I genuinely appreciate their trust and support.
-What was the best vacation I have ever taken? St Augustine Florida with my husband celebrating our 25th Anniversary. I will forever cherish that memory.
-My favorite way to spend my day off? I would answer that more as, my favorite way to spend a weekend. It starts with a 90 min massage on Friday afternoon, followed by time in the hot tub, and finished with my favorite pajama's or sweatpants! I like not leaving my house again until church on Sunday morning and finishing off my weekend with an old fashioned Sunday dinner with my husband and kids.